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ARC Irrigation User Manual

The purpose of this manual is to serve as a reference guide for producers for the planning, choice, installation, management and maintenance of an irrigation system. In most cases, the chapters contain an introductory portion from the existing Irrigation Design Manual (also available on the WRO). This basic information is of importance for both the irrigation consultant who has to design and plan the system, as well as for the producer who has to operate the system. It should help with multi-disciplinary cooperation when a system is planned. The chapters contain a portion that informs on the basic practical aspects regarding installation, management and maintenance of an irrigation system. If specific specialist information is required, it is recommended that a professional in the specific area of expertise be consulted. Consists of 16 Chapters: 1 - Introduction, 2 - Water user, 3 - Soil, 4 - Crop water requirements, 5 - Guidelines for irrigation system selection and planning, 6 - Overview of irrigation engineering principles, 7 - Irrigation scheduling, 8 - Irrigation pipes, fittings and valves, 9 - Drip and micro-sprinkler irrigation systems, 10 - Sprinkler irrigation systems, 11 - Centre pivots, linear systems and travelling irrigators, 12 - Surface irrigation, 13 - Greenhouse irrigation systems, 14 - Pumps and driving systems, 15 - Chemigation, 16 - Terminology, conversion tables, design norms and overview of irrigation scheduling software.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author 1
Author first name
Author surname
Author organization
Agricultural Research Council
Agricultural Engineering
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Contact person
Contact 1
Contact name
Michael van der Laan
Contact organization
Contact 2
Contact name
Contact organization
Recommended citation AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (ARC) (2019) Irrigation User Manual. ISBN 978-0-6392-0146-7, ARC, Pretoria, South Africa.
Did the author / contact organization collect the data? true
Name of organization that collected the data Agricultural Research Council
Dataset language English
Publisher Agricultural Research Council and Water Research Commission
Publication date 2019-01-01
Project number Unknown
License Open (Creative commons)
License URL
Keywords irrigation, pivot, drip, sprinkler, soil, water, agriculture, crop production
Geographic location or bounding box coordinates [-22.1265, 16.4699, -34.8212, 32.8931]
Topic category Agriculture
Data structure category Unstructured (data cannot be stored in relational databases and is often stored in its raw format, such as images)
Uploader estimation of extent to which data have been processed Access
Is the data time series or static Static
Data reference date
Data reference date 1
Data reference date (from)
Data reference date (to)
Data reference date 2
Data reference date (from)
Data reference date (to)
Alternate identifier ISBN 978-0-6392-0146-7
Vertical extent datum masl
Vertical minimum-maximum extent
Vertical minimum-maximum extent 1
Minimum vertical extent
Maximum vertical extent
Vertical minimum-maximum extent 2
Minimum vertical extent
Maximum vertical extent
I agree to the data management plan and terms and conditions of the WRO true